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God Is Awakening the Dreamer Inside Of You...
Lets talk about your past for just a moment. No, not when you made mistakes and made all of those bad decisions that you may even still regret - but let's go back even further - yes, at the moment before you were even born. Jeremiah 1:5 NIV states, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart...[...]"
At the very moment of conception, God made an investment in you; He invested into you a dream which is connected to your purpose and passion. The dream that has been there from the beginning of time is now waking up, you are now in a place where God is manifesting what you've always envisioned.
When Joseph came around his brothers in Genesis 37:19 they all said to one another, "Here comes that dreamer!" From this day forward, when people see you coming, they won't see who you used to be but they'll see the dreamer on the inside of you! Join the movement today!